Sleeping Dogs Training


This training was invaluable in better understanding how to prepare young people to engage in therapy. It is useful for members of young people’s care teams whether they are carers, casemanagers, or therapists. Highly recommend!

Chanel Kennedy
Therapeutic Specialist residential care MacKillop Melbourne

I work here for nine years and we always speak about reunification, but for the first time I actually see it happen

Social Worker MacKillop Melbourne

“Arianne is a calm and clear presence, a clinician with both head and heart who artfully describes the process of blazing a trail through the forest of developmental trauma for children and young people, to a place where their sleeping dogs can be safely awakened and healing can take place”


Sleeping dogs training has equipped me with the skills to feel able to wake up and hold the sleeping dogs in young people. Not to avoid them and how to work through the barriers. It was a scary concept before training but now I feel more confident.

Therapeutic practitioner residential care MacKillop Melbourne.

This training is essential for working with children with trauma, its so important to support kids to address difficult stuff and this doesnt shut them down it lets them address issues.


During my training I was taught that if there are no trauma symptoms we should leave the trauma processing for a later time. Arianne's training explained so clearly why this is not true!This is exactly what we need in residential care. This will help our kids so much, and is so practical and kind.

Psychologist in residential care Sydney

Thanks for a fantastic workshop with concrete and usefulknowledge and techniques to work with in this hard field! Despite 17 years in the field, it is amazing to learn soooo much new! Thanks indeed!

Arely Alvarado
Psychologist in Denmark

Arianne’s training approach breaks down really complex processes into concrete and do-ablesteps and skills that can make so much difference to the work with highly traumatised childrenand young people. I immediately felt more confident to integrate the content of the training intomy practice!

Mental Health Social Worker & Family Therapist

In the team we talk more about the trauma instead of behaviours.

It made my work so much more fun, the family work is what we do it for.

Residential Carer MacKillop Melbourne

''Best training I have been to in years, ordered your book immediately"

Clinical Psychologist

EMDR Webinars


I have just finished watching the sixth workshop in the series and want to say how useful I found all of the workshops. I thought there was a great balance between theory and practice with the emphasis being placed on skill development. I found the workshops fitted well together and complimented each other and the I think the 90 min segments were well paced covering the content in an accessible way.

Many thanks for your generosity in sharing your skills and experience.

Professor Alastair Black
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist EMDR Europe Approved Adult and Child Consultant EMDR Institute Training Facilitator

Training like this really does help to boost your belief in your own practice and the power of EMDR

Russ Hurn
Psychologist UK

Arianne’s training approach breaks down really complex processes into concrete and do-ablesteps and skills that can make so much difference to the work with highly traumatised childrenand young people. I immediately felt more confident to integrate the content of the training intomy practice!

Mental Health Social Worker & Family Therapist